Can’t put language to it? Let me help.

Why is this important?

Our self-worth, peace and even our purpose in life can seem to hang in the balance every single time this need is met with a “NO” or “MAYBE”. Being unaware of this need and the scramble it sends us into can cause us to shrink back, lose focus, or resort to uncharacteristic behavior.

Making sense of your APEX EMOTIONAL NEED with the Primal Question framework can help put an end to the constant questioning and get you back on track!

Find resolve where quitting is not an option!

Personal development often focuses on fixing behaviors or controlling emotions. While improving in these areas can be very helpful, it is more powerful to identify the unmet need underneath it all. When you meet the need, you can change your emotions and behaviors.
— Mike Foster

Angela is a certified Primal Question Coach and licensed ordained minister.  She holds a B.S. in Intercultural Studies from Lee University and serves as an Executive Pastor in a diverse congregation just north of Atlanta. With 25 years of experience, Angela excels at collaborating with volunteers, families, and teams.  She and her husband, Jonathan, have been married for 26 years and have two adult children and 10 years of experience as respite and foster parents. They are dedicated community members, working to enhance their neighbors' physical, emotional, and spiritual well-being.


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